"I am committed to prepare the best food, using the best natural ingredients, according to the classic recipes while working under a safer environment with strict food hygiene regulations".

Thursday, August 14, 2008


Sabato, 2 Febbraio 2008.


Da quando Cristoforo Colombo scoprì l’america e i suoi ricchissimi frutti, l’Italia si è arricchita di questo dono della natura, il vero oro “rosso” il pomodoro. Immaginate come sarebbe la nostra vita senza il “signor pomodoro”. Le prime ricette di questa salsa le troviamo nel “Cuoco galante” di Vincenzo Corrado del 1778 ma, in questo caso era considerata un piatto unico e non un condimento. Solo un anno dopo, nel 1779 il cuoco Antonio Nebbia la nomina come associazione alla pastasciutta. Nel 1839 la troviamo scritta in dialetto napoletano in appendice alla seconda edizione della “Cucina teorico-pratica” a firma di Ippolito Cavalcanti. Ma a dare la vera gloria a questa semplice e irripetibile salsa è stato il grande Pellegrino Artusi che la descrive nel suo libro “La scienza in cucina e l’arte di mangiare bene” pubblicato nel 1891.
Ingrediente per la salsa di pomodoro classica per condire una ricetta di pasta per 4 persone:

  • 500gr di pomodori freschi o pelati
  • 1 cipolla bianca piccola
  • olio extravergine d’oliva
  • sale
  • Basilico o prezzemolo secondo la tipologia del piatto da accompagnare
  • Preparazione: ci sono due tipi di ricette per la salsa di base di pomodoro: con la cipolla sfritta o messa al naturale. La fritta è adatta se poi aggiungiamo anche della carne, al naturale è per piatti meno elaborati. Analoga situazione per l’uso del basilico o prezzemolo: il basilico è consigliato per timballi, lasagne ecc, il prezzemolo per ricette a base di pesce. Questa è quella di base da poter essere utilizzata per tantissime ricette. In una ampia pentola aggiungete tutti gli ingredienti, i pomodori passati al mulinello e il basilico il prezzemolo. Aggiungete un pò d’acqua e fate cuocere a fuoco basso e con il coperchio. La salsa sarà cotta quando l’olio galleggerà.

    Pellegrino Artusi così scriveva:

    « C’era un prete in una città di Romagna che cacciava il naso per tutto e, introducendosi nelle famiglie, in ogni affare domestico voleva mettere lo zampino. Era, d’altra parte, un onest’uomo e poiché dal suo zelo scaturiva del bene più che del male, lo lasciavano fare; ma il popolo arguto lo aveva battezzato Don Pomodoro, per indicare che i pomodori entrano da per tutto; quindi una buona salsa di questo frutto sarà nella cucina un aiuto pregevole. »

    Sunday, August 10, 2008


    Ensalada de papas (american potatoes salad)
    Es de origen europea pero es diferente.

    2 Kgs papas pequeñas
    celery en juliana pequeña cantidad
    pimentón rojo en brunoise pequeña cantidad
    1 cebolla en brunoise
    Mayonesa según gusto
    Perejil en hache

    Los ingredientes van de acuerdo a la cantidad de papas, nada de aceite y nada de vinagre
    Salcochar las papas sin pelar al estar lista dejar enfriar, quitar las conchas picar en ruedas,
    Agregar las cebollas los pimientos y celery sal pimentar poner suficiente cantidad de mayonesa para que queden cremosas las papas, o al gusto del consumidor.
    guardar en nevera


    English Roast Beef

    "A pot roast that can't be beat! A blend of flavors you never would expect. This has become a favorite of my historical interpreter friends. Wine can be substituted for water in the roasting pan if you like."
    Original recipe yield: 8 servings.
    Prep Time:20 MinutesCook Time:3 Hours Ready In:3 Hours 20 MinutesServings:8 (change)


    5 pounds beef round roast
    salt and pepper to taste
    2 tablespoons butter
    1/2 cup water
    1/2 teaspoon dried sage
    1/2 teaspoon dried mint
    1 medium onion, sliced (optional)
    1 clove garlic, minced (optional)
    1/8 teaspoon seasoning salt (optional)
    1/8 teaspoon red pepper flakes (optional)

    1 tablespoon butter
    1 tablespoon all-purpose flour
    1/2 cup cold water
    1/4 teaspoon dried sage
    1/4 teaspoon dried mint


    Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Season the roast with salt and pepper to taste. Melt 2 tablespoons butter in a Dutch oven over medium-high heat. Brown the outside of the roast on all sides in the butter. After the roast is browned, add 1/2 cup water to the pan, and sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon of sage, and 1/2 teaspoon of mint onto the roast. Place onion and garlic into the pan if desired, and season with seasoning salt and red pepper flakes, if using.
    Cover the pot, and place the roast in the oven for 2 to 3 hours depending on how well done you prefer the meat to be. 2 hours for rare, and 3 for well done. Removed finished roast to a pan to keep warm.
    Melt 1 tablespoon of butter in a medium skillet. Whisk flour into melted butter until smooth. Remove from heat, and stir in 1/2 cup cold water. Mix until a smooth paste is formed. Return to medium heat, and season with remaining sage and mint. Stir in the liquid from the roasting pan, and boil, stirring constantly until the gravy is thickened. Remove from heat. Slice the roast and serve with gravy poured over the meat.


    Encurtidos de pepinillo:

    2 kg pepinos pequeños
    pimienta blanca entera
    semillas de mostaza
    2 paquetes de eneldo entero
    cabeza de ajo con concha picada en dos
    hojas de laurel.
    3 litros de agua con 90 gr de sal.

    Lavamos bien los pepinos, seleccionamos los que esten perfectos, en un frasco grande colocamos todos los ingredientes, terminamos con eneldo. Incorporamos el líquido. Cerramos ligeramente. No se mete en la nevera. Cada mañana golpeamos ligeramente el frasco y suben burbujas. El día que golpeamos y no suben las burbujas, cerramos bien el frasco y metemos en la nevera.


    3 kg cebollas muy pequeñas
    1 coliflor, en florecitas
    2 zanahorias en rodajas gruesas
    pepinillo en rodajas gruesas

    colocamos en una olla, 2 litros de agua y 2 litros de vinagre, dejamos hervir, colocamos hojas de laurel. Continuamos hirviendo. Agregamos los ingredientes en orden de coccion: zanahoria, cebolla entera, coliflor y pepinillo. Dejamos cocinar hasta que se cocine todo. Metemos en un frasco. Se puede consumir después de 24 horas.


    1 ½ kg remolachas pequeñas. Cocinar con concha.
    cebolla emance.
    agua de la coccion de remolacha
    vinagre (bastante)
    semillas de comillo (no lo venden en el pais)

    en un frasco grande, se agregan los ingredientes en el mismo orden. Tapamos. Se puede consumir a las 24 horas.

    En europa se agrega raiz de rabano picante. Se puede realizar con cebolla morada. Se puede agregar wasabi en polvo.


    2 tazas de harina todo uso
    ¼ taza de agua fría
    2 cdas de aceite
    100 gramos de carne de cerdo magra molida
    1 tallo de cebollin
    ½ cda de jugo de jengibre (un poco de agua y jengibre en la licuadora y colar)
    1 taza de repollo chino en juliana blanqueado, luego cortado en brunoise, secar exceso de líquido
    1 cda de jerez
    1 ½ cda de salsa de soya
    2 cdas de aceite de ajonjolí
    1 ½ cta de maicena
    ½ cta de sal
    ¼ cta de azúcar
    2/3 tazas de agua hirviendo

    En un tazón combinar la harina, la maizina (para dar suavidad) y agua caliente (para dar elasticidad), mezclando rápido con palitos o tenedor.
    1) Agregar el agua fría y mezclar con las manos, la masa puede quedar pegajosa, agregar un poquito de harina, cubrir con un paño húmedo y dejar reposar por 30 minutos.
    2) Enharinar el mesón, hacer un rollo y cortar pequeño, extender la masa con el rodillo y sacar círculos.
    3) Cortar el cebollin finamente, mezclar la carne, repollo, agregar jerez, soya, maizina, sal y azúcar y resto de aderezo, mezclar bien, dejar reposar en la nevera. A los círculos colocar primero un poco de agua (para que peguen) se rellenan con carne y se cierran como empanadas.
    4) En un sartén se coloca como dos cucharadas de aceite y se colocan las empanadas, se doran por ambos lados, luego se agrega agua caliente como un tercio del alto de las empanadas.
    5) Se tapa y se deja que se evapore el agua a temperatura media. Se arregla en un plato y aparte se tiene salsa de soya.
    6) También se pueden hacer en agua hirviendo y luego se colocan uno por uno, esperar que hierva para agregar agua natural, dejar que hierva otra vez y se sacan, se escurren y se sirven con soya y vinagre. También se pueden realizar al vapor y después freír, dejar solo al vapor o al vapor sobre una cama de hoja de plátano.

    Nota: está masa no es para freír directamente, sino que primero se debe pasar al vapor.



    1 Kg parchita madura y lisa.
    2 Kg limón
    2 clavos de especias

    Cortar en dos las parchitas, sacar la pulpa, colar las semillas (no licuar) y reservar. Realizar cortes ligeros a la concha de la parchita, pero sin atravesar. Esto se realiza para que sea más fácil extraer su piel.
    1) En agua hirviendo, blanquear las parchitas máximo por 5 minutos con agua, sal y azúcar.
    2) Retirar, dejar reposar y extraer la piel. , Se corta en cascos en 2x2.
    3) En una olla a fuego alto, colocar el concentrado de las parchitas, 1 taza de agua, 2 tazas de azúcar, al principio sin mezclar y después ocasionalmente hasta formar un sirope, (es cuando se forma una línea continua.
    4) Para evitar el proceso de caramelización mantener una temperatura constante y baja.
    5) Agregar jugo de limón, clavos de olor, incorporar la parchita y cocinar un tiempo más.
    6) Retirar del fuego, colocar en un envase de vidrio primero la parchita y después parte de su almíbar.


    200 grs de champiñones blanqueado y molido
    150 grs de jamon molido
    1 cebolla en brounoise
    1 cda pasta de tomate
    pan rallado

    derretir la mantequilla, dorar en ella la cebolla hasta que esten transparentes,
    agregar la mezcla de champignons y el jamón, esto desprende liquido… esperamos a reducir.
    cuando seque poner pasta de tomate dejar secar por completo,
    agregar un poco de pan rallado
    poner a reposa.
    Recordamos que para blanquear los champiñones se coloca en muy poco liquido (mitad agua y mitad vino blanco) y hoja de laurel. Hervir primero el liquido, incorporamos los champiñones, tapamos, cuando rompa a hervir nuevamente se retira del fuego y no se llega a destapar, dejamos reposar un rato. Reservar el liquido para otras preparaciones.


    8 oz Cornmeal
    4 oz Raw cane sugar
    ¾ pt Coconut milk
    ½ tsp Ground cinnamon
    4–5 Drops vanilla essence
    3 oz raisins

    1. Mix together the cornmeal and the sugar in a bowl.
    2. Pour in the coconut milk and stir well to produce a smooth consistency.
    3. Flavour with ground cinnamon and vanilla essence and stir in the raisins.
    4. Drop the mixture in heaped tablespoons onto 6 inch squares of aluminum foil.
    5. Fold the foil to make parcels of the mixture and press the edges well to seal.
    6. Bring a large pan of water to the boil and cook the dokono parcels in the boiling water for 1 hour.
    7. At the end of the cooking time carefully remove the foil and serve the dokono hot, sprinkled with a little sugar.
    Serves 4
    *(In Nevis we make this different [this must be the Rasta version] we make it with sweet potatoes grated, some people put a piece of pumpkin, add sugar to the mixture to sweeten)
    (Common to several Caribbean Islands, this dish is of African origin. The authentic version would be cooked wrapped in banana leaves for which aluminum foil is a modern if not quite aesthetic substitute.



    ½ Cta., De soya oscura.
    1 ½ Cta. De maizina.
    12 Vieiras si es posible con su coral.
    12 hongos tipo palillos enoki. (en lata)
    2 /3 tazas de fondo de pollo o pescado.
    2 ½ cdas. De aceite vegetal.
    2 ctas. De saké.
    2 ctas. De salsa de soya clara.
    2 tallos de cebollin.
    250 gramos de camarones pelados
    3 rebanadas de jengibre fresco cortado finamente.
    8 Hongos negros, remojados en agua 30 minutos.
    8 Hongos tipo botones.
    Sal, pimienta, azúcar.

    Lavar bien las Vieiras con agua natural y se les pasa un poquito de sal igual los camarones, escurrir y secarlos.
    1) marinar con saké y la soya Light, dejar reposar por 15 -20 minutos.
    2) Escurrir los hongos, eliminar el exceso de agua, se les puede quitar el tallo. Escurrir los otros hongos.
    3) Calentar un wok o sartén con 2 cucharadas de aceite y agregar los hongos y remover a fuego alto por 1 ½ minutos, luego agregar 2 cucharadas de agua, cubra y deja cocinar por 2-3 minutos hasta que estén suaves.
    4) Sacar los hongos y él liquido y colocar en un plato hondo.
    5) Calentar nuevamente el wok y colocar el resto del aceite y marchite el jengibre, agregar las Vieiras hasta que estén de color blanco.
    6) Agregar los camarones y dos tallos de cebollín entero, continúe hasta que los camarones estén rosados.
    7) Mezcle el fondo con maizina, coloque los hongos en el wok y agregar el fondo, sazone con sal, pimienta, azúcar y soya oscura. Mezcle hasta que la salsa espese.
    8) Sacar los tallos de cebollín y descartar.
    9) Servir inmediatamente, con una escurridera, y colocar un poquito de salsa.


    ½ Kg filete de pechuga en dados 2x2
    100 gr guindillas deshidratadas
    2 cebollas grandes troceadas
    6 ajos machacados
    Albahaca fresca troceada grande
    Cilantro troceado
    Curry golden
    Fondo de ave 1 litro
    Jugo de 6 limones
    Maizina diluida en poca agua
    Salsa de ostra
    Salsa de soya clara
    Salsa de soya oscura
    Salsa guillin

    Colocar las guindillas en agua para que se hidraten
    1) en un wok con aceite caliente, colocar el pollo uno por uno, para que no se peguen.
    2) Agregar la cebolla, ajo, chile y guindillas, salsa guilli, salsa de soya clara, salsa de soya oscura, salsa de ostra, jugo de limón, fondo de ave, albahaca, cilantro, curry, maizina calentar bien, reducir un poco el líquido y servir.


    1 lb.shrimp
    lime juice
    salt and pepper
    thyme, chives and garlic
    1 tbsp.curry powder
    1/4 c. cold water
    2 tbsp. cooking oil

    1. Wash and clean shrimps, season and allow to stand 15 - 20 minutes.
    2. Mix curry powder in cold water.
    3. Put 2 tbsp. oil in heavy iron pot or sauce- pan, heat, add curry powder in water and allow to cook 2 - 3 min. until thick.
    4. Add shrimp and stir to coat.
    5. Cook about 5 min. then turn off heat.

    Do not overcook or they will get tough.
    If potato is desired, cut in thin slices and cook in curry before adding shrimp. When potato is tender add shrimp and cook 5 min.


    3 - 4 cucumbers
    1 oz. flour
    1 1/4 c. milk
    2/3 c. cream
    1 oz. butter
    2 1/2 c. chicken stock
    1 onion, thinly sliced salt and pepper
    1 tbsp. chopped green onions/chive METHOD
    1. Peel cucumbers, cut into slices and remove seeds.
    2. Melt butter in pan and cook cucumbers for 10 minutes over low heat.
    3. Stir in flour and add stock slowly stirring all the time.
    4. Heat the milk with onion to boiling and add cucumber mixture, still stirring.
    5. Simmer for 10 minutes.
    6. Puree. Stir in half the cream and season to taste.
    7. Pour into individual bowls and chill.
    8. Add rest of cream and green onions just before serving.


    1 lata Maní 300 gr.
    Aceite de sésamo
    Chile en pasta
    Harina de arroz
    Puré de 1 kilo de yuca
    Salsa de soya
    Toque de curry

    Preparación de la vinagreta:

    Aceite de sésamo
    Chile en pasta
    Cilantro troceado
    guindilla encurtida en aros
    Paprika o baturro
    Vinagre de arroz

    Preparación del puré de yuca:

    Colocar en agua con sal la yuca hasta ablandar y convertir en puré.

    Preparación de las croquetas:
    En un bol y amasando con la mano, colocar el puré de yuca previamente realizado.
    1) Agregar las anchoas desmenuzadas, maní ligeramente troceado, cilantro troceado, guindilla en encurtidos en aros, un toque de curry, un toque de salsa de soya, ½ taza de harina de arroz incorporándola poco a poco.
    2) La masa queda pegajosa pero le da cuerpo la harina de arroz.
    3) Meter en la nevera.
    4) Con las manos mojadas realizar pelotitas del tamaño de un bocado, agregando harina al recipiente para que no se peguen.
    5) Freír y servir junto con su salsa.


    1 lb. lean beef (cubed)
    1 c. rice (uncooked)
    1 green sweet pepper (cut in strips)
    1/4 c. tomato paste
    1/4 lb. bacon (cut up)
    1 red sweet pepper
    1 large onion (chopped)
    1 tsp. salt
    21/2 c. water 3tsp. salt
    1 tbsp. peanut butter

    Cook beef and onion in deep saucepan.
    Add bacon and cook for 5 mins.
    Add other ingredients and cover.
    Simmer until rice is cooked and meat is tender.
    Garnish with parsley and serve with a salad.


    E' una crema che accompagna le fredde serate invernali da tanti anni ormai. Una ricetta semplice e veloce da fare ogni volta che si sente il bisogno di un po' di tepore, soprattutto in giorni come quelli appena passati, piovosi e umidi.
    La prima volta che l'abbiamo assaggiata è stato in Egitto, la cucinva solitamente la governante che c'era in casa, la quale era una signorotta piuttosto rubiconda e allegra, molto brava ai fornelli, e pensando che tutti noi fossimo troppo magri e denutriti, quando sapeva che saremmo venute dall'Itaia preparava quantità di cibo tali da soddisfare abbondantemente gli appetiti voraci di un esercito!
    Ricordo con estremo piacere quando in tavola c'erano i manghi sugosi, maturi e di un colore così brillante da fare a gara con il sole, buonissimi, dolci e morbidi; per alleviare il caldo bevevamo litri di "Assir", una bevanda a base di succo di lime, zucchero e acqua; e poi c'era sempre la "Kofta", annegata in un mare rosso di sugo e alleggerita da una buona dose di yogurth cremoso e acidulo...e questi sono solo parte dei miei ricordi, quelli di unabambina di 8-9 anni che era più impegnata a mangiare che a catalogare mentalmente quello che aveva davanti...un'altra crema che mi faceva letteralmente sbarellare era la "Mulukhia",(cerco bene sul libro della Roden come si scrive), ma purtroppo ero allergica e non ho più potuto mangiarlo...
    Avevo detto a Francesca che avrei postato la ricetta, eccola:

    Ingredienti x 2 pots

    2 carote di medie dimensioni
    2 zucchine
    1 patata
    1 cipolla rossa
    3 cucchiai di lenticchie rosse
    1-2 cucchiaini di concentrato di pomodoro
    1 cucchiaino di semi di cumino
    acqua q.b

    -Pelate le carote e la patata, pulite le zucchine e la cipolla;
    -Tagliate tutte le verdure a tocchetti, non importa che siano regolari, basta che abbiano più o meno la stessa dimensione;
    -Mettete tutto in una casseruola, aggiungete le lenticchie e versate acqua fredda a sufficenza per coprire almeno di due dita le verdure.
    -Portate a bolloore su fiamma vivace, poi coprite con un coperchio e fate cuocere a fuoco dolce fino a che le verdure non siano morbide, solitamente lascio cuocere per 45-50 minuti, se necessario aggiungete altra acqua, questa volta calda durante la cottura.
    -A metà cottura, aggiungete anche il concentrato e il cumino, mescolate e portate a termine. Aggiustate di sale.
    -Usando il minipimer riducete a crema il tutto, nel caso fosse troppo liquida rimettete sul fuoco e lasciate ridurre fino alla consistenza desiderata. Io amo i passati e le creme ben compatti.
    -Servite con un filo di olio a crudo o dei crostini a piacere!


    Crema de Berenjena

    4 berenjenas grandes
    2 cebollas
    6 cucharadas de aceite de oliva
    1 cucharada de ajo picado

    Lavar las berenjenas y agujerear la piel con un tenedor. Hornear durante 10 minutos.
    Dejar enfriar y pelar las berenjenas.
    Mezclar la pulpa con las cebollas cortadas y el ajo hasta obtener una crema espesa.
    Añadir el aceite de oliva, la sal y 5 vueltas del molinillo de pimienta, y volver a mezclar.
    Servir con aceitunas negras


    2 Medium sized onions
    2 Cloves garlic
    ½ lb Breadfruit
    2 tbsp Vegetable oil
    1 Bayleaf
    1½ pt Vegetable stock
    ½ pt Soy milk
    Freshly ground black pepper
    Spring onion tops or parsley

    1. Peel the garlic cloves and chop finely.
    2. Using a sharp knife peel the skin from the breadfruit and remove the core.
    3. Chop the breadfruit into dice.
    4. Heat the vegetable oil in a large saucepan and sauté the onion and garlic until soft but not coloured.
    5. Add the diced breadfruit, bayleaf and vegetable stock.
    6. Bring to the boil, cover the pan and simmer on a low heat until the breadfruit is tender.
    7. Remove the bayleaf and liquidize the soup in an electric blender or press through a fine sieve.
    8. Return the soup to the pan, add the soy milk and season with black pepper.
    9. Reheat gently taking care not to boil then serve sprinkled with chopped spring onion tops or fresh parsley.

    Serves 4


    1 lb pumpkin (peeled and cut into small pieces)
    1/2 c. evaporated milk
    1 medium onion, sliced
    3 c. chicken stock
    salt and pepper to taste
    chopped parsley for garnishing. (cleaned and washed)
    4c. water
    2cloves garlic
    1/4 c. chopped celery
    2c. evaporated milk
    2tsp of salt
    1/2 tsp. bl. pepper
    1/2 c. chopped onion chopped parsley for garnishing Method
    1. Boil pumpkin, onion, salt and pepper in chicken stock until pumpkin is soft and tender.
    2. Mash with potato crusher or pour in blender and puree.
    3. Return to pot and add milk slowly and stir in milk and cook until thoroughly heated (5 minutes).
    4.Sprinkle chopped parsley on soup. Serves 6 persons.


    1 1/2 c. cooked and sieved pigeon peas.
    1 tbsp. cornstarch or arrowroot
    3/4 c. stock (chicken or beef)
    3/4 c. Milk
    salt and pepper to taste

    1.Add stock to peas and bring to the boil.
    2.Meanwhile, mix milk and cornstarch and add to peas; add salt and pepper and continue to boil for a few minutes.
    3.Serve with toasted bread cubes or slices


    1/2 c. sour cream
    1/2 c. mayonnaise
    3 oz. cream cheese
    1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce
    1 clove garlic, crushed
    1/4 tsp. seasoned salt
    1 tbsp. lemon juice
    1/2 tsp. hot pepper
    1 can crab meat
    potato chips or corn chips
    1. In medium bowl, combine sour cream, mayonnaise, cream cheese, Worcestershire sauce, salt, garlic, lemon juice
    and hot pepper
    2. Stir in crab meat
    3. Refrigerate for a few hours before serving to blend flavors.
    Serve with potato chips or corn chips for dipping.


    1 tin crab meat or meat from cooked crabs
    1 tbsp. Margarine
    3-4 tbsp. dry bread crumbs
    1/4 c. finely chopped onion
    2 cloves garlic, minced
    chopped parsley
    1-2 tsp. Worcestershire sauce
    1. Saute onion and garlic in margarine for a few minutes until soft.
    2. Add crab meat, salt, pepper and parsley and cook for a few minutes more.
    3. Add breadcrumbs and Worcestershire sauce; combine well.
    4. Pack mixture into cleaned crab backs or shells, sprinkle with breadcrumbs, dot with margarine and heat in oven when ready to use.


    Prender el carbón, estará listo cuando este completamente blanco, o sea en brasas, de usarlo antes este libera gases toxicos dañinos a la salud.

    1 kg de solomo de cuerito, parte baja.
    Whiskey bourbon (el americano, puede ser marca jack daniel)
    Marinamos la carne en el whiskey, ya al momento de colocar a la brasa agregamos sal y pimienta, sellamos, picamos.
    Si se desea, se puede bañar con la salsa B-B-Q o cocer solo.


    ½ kg de fresas limpias
    toque de licor, Curacao triple –sec u otro licor similar (Cointreau)

    Licuar todo debe quedar una salsa espesa, se puede hacer con otras frutas, como mora, melocotones kiwi y otros. Meter en la nevera.
    Se utiliza para decorar el plato o poner al strudel dulce que se desee.


    Corned Beef & Cabbage

    Corned beef got its name before refrigeration, when meat was preserved with coarse grains of salt called "corn." Today beef is corned with spices for flavor, not for preservation. The meat must be refrigerated.


    2- to 2-1/2-pound corned beef brisket*
    2 bay leaves
    1 teaspoon whole black pepper
    3 medium carrots, quartered lengthwise
    2 medium parsnips or 1 medium rutabaga, peeled and cut into chunks
    2 medium red onions, cut into wedges
    10 to 12 whole, tiny new potatoes
    1 small cabbage, cut into 6 wedges (1 pound)

    *NOTE: If the brisket has an additional packet of spices, add it rather than the pepper and bay leaves called for in the ingredients list.


    Trim fat from meat. Place in a 4- to 6-quart Dutch oven; add juices and spices from package of beef, if available. Add enough water to cover meat. Add bay leaves and pepper (if using). Bring to boiling; reduce heat. Simmer, covered, about 2 hours or until meat is almost tender.

    Add carrots, parsnips, and onions to meat. Return to boiling; reduce heat. Simmer, covered, for 10 minutes. Scrub potatoes; halve or quarter. Add potatoes and cabbage to Dutch oven. Cover and cook about 20 minutes more or until vegetables and meat are tender. Discard bay leaves. Remove meat from Dutch oven.

    To serve, slice the meat across the grain.

    Prep time: 20 minutes
    Cook time: 2 hours 30 minutes
    Yield: 6 servings

    Corned Beef & Cabbage
    Prep Time: 3 hours
    Number of Servings: 6-8 Skill Level: Average
    Ingredients 3 lb. corn beef brisket
    2 cloves garlic, minced
    2 bay leaves
    1/2 tablespoon black peppercorns
    6 medium potatoes, peeled and cut in quarters
    6 carrots, peeled and cut in large pieces
    1 medium head cabbage, cut in wedges
    Watercress for garnish
    Instructions: 1. In large sauce pot or Dutch oven, put corned beef and barely cover with water.
    2. Add garlic, peppercorn and bay leaves.
    3. Cover and simmer for about 2 1/2 hours, or until tender.
    4. Add carrots and potatoes and bring to boil and cook 30 minutes more.
    5. Carve brisket against grain.
    6. On a large platter, arrange corned beef slices in the middle and vegetables around the side. Garnish with watercress.
    Helpful Hints: Corned beef brisket sometimes comes with its own flavor packet in which case you should use that for the spices.

    The watercress as a garnish is always a hit on St. Patrick's Day since it resembles shamrocks. In our family, the day is not complete without corned beef and cabbage, some soda bread & jam, and a little Irish coffee!


    4 c. fresh corn kernel
    1/2 c. chopped green onion or chive
    1/2 tsp. Salt
    Toast and parsley for garnishing
    1 c. chicken stock
    2 tbsp. Margarine
    3 c. milk
    3 tbsp. Chopped sweet peppers or pimentos Method
    1.Combine corn and stock in blender, blend to a smooth puree.
    2.Melt margarine, cook onions, add corn puree. Simmer for 15 minutes over low heat.
    3.Add milk, salt and peppers. Simmer for 10 minutes.
    4.Garnish with toast and chopped parsley. Makes 6 servings.



    8 oz Grated Sweet Potato

    4 oz Raw cane sugar

    ¾ pt Coconut milk

    ½ tsp Ground cinnamon

    4–5 Drops vanilla essence

    3 oz raisins (optional)

    1 oz hot peppers (bird peppers)

    1. Mix together the grated sweet potato and the sugar in a bowl.
    2. Pour in the coconut milk and stir well to produce a smooth consistency.
    3. Flavour with ground cinnamon and vanilla essence and stir in raisins and peppers.
    4. Drop the mixture in heaped tablespoons onto 6 inch squares of banana leaf.
    5. Fold the banana leaves to make parcels of the mixture and tie with cord or strips of babana barkl.
    6. Bring a large pan of water to the boil and cook the conky parcels in the boiling water for 1 hour.
    7. At the end of the cooking time carefully remove the banana folds and serve the conky hot.

    Serves 4


    1 Conejo
    Mirepoix de 3 cebollas
    Tomillo fresco
    Vino tinto
    1 tomate bien maduro
    1 pechuga de pollo deshuesada
    ½ l. de crema de leche
    600grs. Mantequilla
    pan rallado
    Deshuesar el conejo. Retirar los muslos, higado y demas aparte.
    preparar una farsa de pollo: pechuga de pollo deshuesada, cebolla en brunoise, crema de leche, sal y pimienta y un toque de pan rallado.se trabaja con una paleta hasta crear una pasta y colocar en la nevera.
    Limpiar y blanquear las hojas de espinacas,
    salpimentar las pechugas (lomos) de conejo abiertas, colocar una capa de hojas de espinaca y de relleno la farsa de pollo, envolver y amarrar con pabilo.
    dorar en una sarten con mantequila a fuego lento, tambien doraremos los muslos, higados y riñones.
    Nota: realmente la farsa debe ser de conejo, pero por razones de economia se realizara en clase con pollo.


    Es una receta portuguesa, se sirve con salsa aioli
    Prender el carbón, estará listo cuando este completamente blanco, o sea en brasas, de usarlo antes este libera gases toxicos dañinos a la salud.
    Limpiamos bien el conejo, deshuezamos por la columna
    Marinamos con: 3 latas de cerveza, 10 dientes de ajo en hache, ½ litro de vinagre blanco, 3 hojas de laurel, tomillo fresco, pimienta troceada. OJO: EN UNA MARINADA NUNCA LLEVA SAL. Dejar reposar minimo 24 horas. En la clase se dejo una semana en un recipiente tapado.
    A la Brasa:
    Colocamos el conejo en la parrilla, agregamos sal y pimienta, dejar hasta dorar.


    ½ Repollo blanco pequeño en juliana
    2 zanahorias rayadas por el lado grueso del rayo
    apio en polvo ( condimento) ( si no hay apio en polvo poner poca cantidad de celery en juliana para aromatizar)
    azúcar (bastante, la que sea necesaria)
    mayonesa, (lo suficiente para quedar cremosa y bien unida).
    Como picar repollo:
    se pica por la mitad
    se corta otra vez por la mitad (creando una cuarta parte)
    corto la cabeza
    saco el corazon y corto en juliana
    aplasto el resto y corto en juliana
    de esta forma es mas facil y se evitan los desperdicios.
    unir todos los ingredientes, quedando bien humedo
    meter en el refrigerador
    nota: esta ensalada no lleva ni sal ni pimienta.


    Use this as you would traditional pesto — with pasta or on grilled chicken or fish.

    1 1/2 cups firmly packed fresh cilantro
    1/2 cup firmly packed fresh parsley
    1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese
    1/2 cup vegetable oil
    1/4 teaspoon salt
    3 cloves garlic
    1/4 cup pine nuts

    Place all ingredients in a blender container. Cover and process until well blended.

    Makes about 1 1/4 cups.


    Es originario de Norteamérica, los chinos inmigrantes descubrieron que a los americanos les agradaba la salsa de soya, entonces crearon una variedad de platos entorno al consumo de vegetales con soya mezclando la culinaria china con el gusto americano.


    Cortar todo en julienne de forma gruesa.

    ½ kilo Jamón de pierna entero
    Brotes de soya
    Cebollin en aros (sólo las hojas verdes)
    Fondo de ave
    Jojotos chinos
    Repollo chino
    Salsa de soya

    Con el fuego al máximo y en un wok con aceite caliente, agregar el jamón, la zanahoria, la cebolla, el célery, el pimentón, los jojotos, la soya oscura, la soya clara, los brotes, el repollo chino, el fondo de ave, el cebollin y maizina diluida en poca agua.


    Ingredients (use vegan versions):
    3 stalks celery, diced
    half a small cabbage, diced
    2 large onions, sliced
    2 large carrots, sliced
    3 tablespoon oil
    1 cup vegetable stock
    half a teaspoon yeast extract
    half a teaspoon soy sauce
    2 tablespoon corn
    4 tablespoon water
    salt & 125g bean sprouts


    Heat the oil in a large pan, add all the vegetables except the bean sprouts and stir fry for 3-5 minutes. Add the stock and bring to the boil. Simmer for 5 minutes, add the yeast extract and the soy sauce. Mix the cornflour and water, add to the vegetables, season and cook for another 3-5 minutes. Add the bean sprouts and cook for a further 2 minutes. Serve with boiled rice.


    3 dientes de Ajo en hache
    1 cebolla en brunoise
    hojas de laurel
    1 kg lagarto la reina cortado en cuadros 1x1 cm
    frasco de pasta de tomate de 210 gr.
    Pimienta blanca
    Comino criollo molido
    2 latas de caraotas rojas tipo kidney
    en un sarten con aceite, dorar levemente la cebolla con el ajo
    agregar hojas de laurel
    agregamos la carne para sellar, esto desprende liquido, asi que esperamos a que este liquido se reduzca
    agregamos pasta de tomate completa, dejamos cocinar un rato para que absorba bien el sabor de la pasta.
    incorporamos agua hasta cubrir todo, pimienta (bastante), comino molido (bastante). El comino es lo que le dara carácter a la carne.
    dejamos cocinar bastante tiempo tapado para reducir.
    si es necesario agregamos mas agua, y dejamos reducir hasta que la carne este bien blanda.
    agregamos 2 latas de caraotas rojas en lata y mezclar con cuidado para que no se deshagan las caraotas.
    agregamos tabasco al gusto y rectificamos el sabor con sal y comino.
    servimos en una sopera preferiblemente de barro


    2 egg whites
    1 can cream style corn
    4 c. chicken broth
    2 tbsp. cornstarch
    3/4 lb. chicken breasts, boned, skinned and fmely chopped
    1 tsp. soy sauce; salt
    3 tbsp. water
    1/4 c. finely chopped cooked ham (optional)

    1. Beat egg whites until moist peaks form; fold in chopped chicken, set aside.
    2. Whirl 1 c. corn and I c. broth in a blender; pour in a pan with remaining corn and broth.
    3. Add soy sauce and salt to taste.
    4. Heat slowly; blend cornstarch and water; add to soup and cook stirring until slightly thickened.
    5. Add chicken - egg white mixture to corn mixture and blend well.
    6. Cook on medium heat for 5 minutes, but do not boil. If made ahead, reheat on low heat, pour in a hot tureen or
    dish and sprinkle with chopped ham. Makes 6 servings.



    625 gramos de corvina en filetes; alrededor de 1/2 litro de agua y 1 cucharada de sal para poner en remojo el pescado; 2 cebollas medianas, alrededor de 225 gramos; agua y sal para remojarlas; un pedacito de alrededor de 1 centímetro de jengibre, machacado; 1 cucharada de ajo machacado, alrededor de unos 8 dientes de ajos, unos 50 gramos; 1 ají picante de unos 7 centímetros de largo o si se prefiere la mitad de un ají llamado "rocoto" en Perú o andino en Caracas, picadito sin venas y sin semillas;1/4 de cucharadita de pimienta blanca molida; las hojas de unas 6 ramitas de cilantro; 1/2 taza de jugo de limón, colado, unos 5 limones grandes, hojas de lechuga, (opcional).


    1. Se corta transversalmente el filete de pescado en tajadas de alrededor de 1 1/2 centímetros de espesor, y luego en pedacitos pequeños de alrededor de 1 1/2 centímetros de largo.

    2. Se pone en un envase con el agua y la sal y se deja aparte por unos 5 minutos.

    3. Se corta la cebolla verticalmente en dos y luego transversalmente en tiritas muy delgadas. Se separan las tiritas y se ponen también en un envase con agua y la sal por 5 minutos.

    4. Se machacan separadamente el jengibre y los ajos. Se ponen aparte.

    5. Se corta menudamente el ají, sin las venas y sin las semillas.

    6. Se exprimen los limones y se cuela el jugo.

    7. En un envase de vidrio se extiende el pescado escurrido. Se le agrega el jugo de limón, de manera que el pescado quede a ras, no sumergido y sin revolver, solo moviéndolo ligeramente con una cuchara de madera, para que el pescado se empape del jugo.

    8. Se agrega el jengibre a la orilla pero en contacto con el jugo. Sin revolver todavía.

    9. Se van agregando la cebolla escurrida, la pimienta, el cilantro, el ají y el ajo. Moviendo cada vez, sin revolver. Finalmente se revuelve todo y se deja en reposo tapado por 15 minutos, al menos, antes de servirlo. Se mantiene en la nevera pero no debe consumirse después de pasado un día.

    10. Se sirve sobre una hoja de lechuga y si se quiere acompañado con ruedas de jojoto sancochado, yuca sancochada o batata sancochada.


    3 pepinos
    2 tomates peritas
    Sal, pimienta, vinagre balsámico, aceite de oliva,

    Pepinos: quitar las puntas y corta en tres partes iguales para formar una especie de tronquitos, dejar en la base del troquito un centímetro de concha, pelar el resto, retirar las semillas con un parisien, blanquear en agua con vinagre y sal, cuidando de ser muy rápido para que no se ablanden mucho, colocar en una rejilla para escurrir.
    Tomates: mondar, pelar, sacar las semillas y escurrir el agua en una rejilla, cortar en pedazos muy pequeños casi brunoise, marinar con sal, pimienta, punto de vinagre balsámico y de aceite de oliva.

    Montaje: Cuando los tomates estén marinados, y los tronquitos fríos y sin agua, se rellena estos con la marinada y se decoran.

    Servir en platos de carnes, jamones y platos delicados



    15 dientes de ajo chile
    aceite de sésamo
    Costillar de cerdo tipo tommy romas
    polvo 5 especias
    salsa chili

    Limpiar bien las costillas del exceso de grasa, en un envase para horno colocar las costillas y adobar con chile y ajo bien picado.
    1) Agregar 5 especies (bastante), curry, chili sauce, pimienta (bastante), aceite de sésamo.
    2) Alrededor de las costillas colocar vinagre, agua, salsa de soya y chalotas en aros frotadas primero con el liquido (para que no se quemen), y dispersar las chalotas sobre las costillas.
    3) Meter al horno hasta dorar y que queden bien doradas. 35 minutos por cada kilo a 220C. Cuando esté bien dorado se saca del horno, se deja reposar un rato, se cortan las costillas.
    4) Servir en un plato ondulado y alrededor colocar cebollín cortado perpendicularmente (parte blanca y verde).
    5) Bañar con su salsa solo encima de la costilla dejando libre los borde superior e inferior.

    Nota: las comidas picantes siempre las acompañar con cebollin



    Cebolla en emancé
    Chalota (o ajo machacado)
    Cilantro picado fino (un toque)
    Crema de coco
    Hojas de Espinaca troceada bien grande
    Jugo de limón
    Leche de coco
    Lomo de cerdo bien limpio y en cuadros
    Salsa de pescado (un toque)

    En un bol con aceite caliente, agregar el cerdo, curry de madras (bastante), y vamos tostando el curry en le aceite
    1) Agregar aceite (un TOQUE), cebolla, salsa de soya ligera, ajo, leche de coco, golden curry (unos 4 dados), ají picante, espinaca, media lata de agua, crema de coco, cilantro.
    2) Rectificar el sabor con mas golden curry (3 dados más), se espesa un poco
    3) Agregar salsa de soya si es necesario, jugo de limón
    4) Se sirve con salsa pero no en exceso.



    1 ½ cdas. de aceite vegetal.
    1 guindilla roja en rebanada.
    100 gramos de Célery cortado y cortado en juliana


    1 cda. de mirin.
    2 ½ cdas. de soya.
    2 cdas. de azúcar morena
    3 Cdas. de sake
    Salsa Tabasco (un toque)

    En un wok, calentar el aceite y colocar la guindilla y el célery, saltear rápido y evaporar él líquido.
    1) Agregar la mezcla, remover y luego separar el célery a un lado y dejar que se reduzca él líquido un poco, y caramelice, se mezcla todo nuevamente.
    2) Dejar refrescar y servir en plato ovalado.


    2 lb Sweet cassava
    1 mature coconut
    ½ tsp Grated nutmeg
    5–6 Drops vanilla essence
    6 oz Raw cane sugar
    1 pt Soy milk
    1. Peel and grate the cassava and coconut.
    2. Combine in a bowl the freshly grated nutmeg, vanilla essence and sugar.
    3. Stir in the soy milk to form a soft thick batter.
    4. Pour the mixture into a well-greased baking dish and bake in a preheated moderate oven at 180º for 1 to 11/4 hours or until set.
    Serves 6


    --- AMANDE (Tranches)
    1 Tbs PERSIL (Frais)
    2 Tbs CREME 35%
    Drops TABASCO
    Regular CAROTTE
    Small LAITUE
    To Taste SEL & POIVRE
    Peler et couper les carottes en minces lisières. Faire cuire jusqu'à ce qu'elles soient tendres.
    Sautez les amandes dans un poellon "teflon" sans utiliser de gras. Mettre de côté.
    Dans un grand bol, mélanger ensemble la mayonnaise, crème, persil (émincé) la sauce Tabasco et le jus de citron. Ajouter le sel et le poivre.
    Incorporer le carottes cuites et mélanger doucement.
    Servez sur les feuilles de laitue en parsemant les amandes sur le dessus.


    Pourquoi ne pas utiliser votre propre mayonnaise, ce sera votre signature....



    Arroz de palito (sticky rice)
    Camarones frescos 1 Kg limpios
    Cebolla rallada
    Cerdo en cuadros
    Curry rojo en pasta
    Curry verde en pasta
    Filete de pechuga 1 Kg en cuadros
    Golden curry
    Lomito en cuadros
    Rábano para decoración
    Salsa chili guilli
    Salsa de soya clara
    Salsa de soya oscura
    Salsa Tabasco
    Semillas de ajonjolí
    Vinagre de arroz

    Preparación para el arroz:
    Por cada medida de arroz, le corresponde de agua una medida y 1/2.
    1) Se remoja el arroz primero en agua en una olla de acero (para no tener reacciones químicas, también puede ser una olla de bambú o tela), cocinar el arroz con el agua. No se le agrega ni sal ni azúcar por el gluten.
    2) Una vez que comienza a hervir el agua se tapa.
    3) Colocar una tela amarrada a la tapa de la olla para que se cocine con el vapor y con el fuego en lo mínimo.
    4) Para saber si el arroz está listo, introducir un cuchillo si este queda firme y no hay restos de agua ya podemos retirar del fuego.
    5) Aderezar el arroz con una vinagreta especial en un molde colocar el arroz y voltear en el plato, para su presentación.

    Preparación de la vinagreta del arroz:
    Mezclar con la mano
    1) Colocar 2/3 azúcar, 1/3 sal y 6 cucharadas de vinagre de arroz.
    2) Diluimos el azúcar y la sal y después agregar 2 cucharadas de aceite.
    3) Verter sobre el arroz caliente y mezclar.

    Preparación de las carnes:
    Ninguna de las preparaciones lleva sal y mezclar todo con la mano.
    1) Camarones: cebolla, curry rojo, salsa de soya clara, salsa Tabasco (un toque) Carne: salsa Tabasco, salsa de soya oscura, golden curry, salsa chili guilli Pollo: salsa de soya clara, salsa Tabasco, cebolla, curry verde
    2) Cerdo: curry de madras, cebolla, salsa de soya clara, salsa Tabasco
    3) En cuatro sartenes diferentes, colocar aceite vegetal y dejar calentar bien. Cada tipo de carne se cocinará en cada sartén.
    4) El procedimiento es igual para todos los tipos de carne.
    5) Agregar uno por uno (tipo de carne) y mezclando todo el tiempo y cuando esté lista la carne vamos sacando y colocar otro lote.


    Con los rábanos, Pelar las dos puntas y cortar en zigzag y sacar una flor, con la parte que quedo en el rábano, cortar recto por debajo del zigzag y sacar otro tipo de flor.
    Otro tipo es cortando en zigzag pero bastante largo separando el rábano en dos partes.
    Otro tipo es cortando el rábano con cortes horizontales y verticales y después abrimos para el momento de la decoración. Al realizar los cortes, guardarlo en la nevera hasta el momento de decorar.

    Para servir:

    Colocar el arroz en el medio del plato, alrededor los cuatro tipos de carne en grupos y decorar con los rábanos cilantro como hojas de las flores y palmeritas de cebollin.

    Saturday, August 9, 2008



    Su nombre proviene del carbon y es de origen belga.

    3 steak de solomo
    pimienta negra
    cebolla en trozos
    3 cervezas negras
    tomillo fresco
    hoja de laurel

    realizamos cortes en la grasa de los steak para que no se enrosquen cuando se cocinen. Salpimentamos las carnes y doramos en aceite caliente.
    Una vez dorados, los dejamos en un plato a un lado mientras preparamos el resto.
    En el mismo aceite doramos cebollas en trozos, hoja de laurel, pimienta negra, tomillo y cualquier resto de carne que haya quedado.
    Una vez dorado lo anterior, incorporamos la cerveza negra (en belgica no se cocina con vino, sino con cerveza), no utilizar malta. Incorporamos las carnes, tapamos la olla y dejamos cocinar. Rectificamos sabor y cocinamos un rato mas. Servimos.


    Canapes de Medallones lomo de Cerdo

    1 Lomo de cerdo.
    100 gr. Tocineta rebanada
    Pabilo o palillos
    Mantequilla montpellier, ya preparada
    Redondeles de pan ligeramente tostados

    Limpiar muy bien el lomito de cedo retirar toda la grasa sin deformar. Cortar en pequeños medallones, más o menos de 3 cms de espesor, poner una lonja de tocineta y luego bridar, sal cimentar.
    En un sartén se doran, y luego se deja cocinar hasta que estén hechos pero jugosos que no se pasen de cocción para que no estén duros. Picar pan de molde en ruedas (con un cortador redondo) tostar, untar con la mantequilla montpellier colocar el medallón y proceder a decorar.

    2.- Canapes Mousse de Salmón


    250 grms salmón ahumado
    100 grms salmón fresco en filete
    papel aluminio, mantequilla
    sal, pimienta
    ½ limón jugo
    redondeles de pan blanco, tostado
    200 gr mantequilla.
    manga de decorar, boquilla no 7 rizada

    papillote de salmón: Poner el salmón fresco sobre papel de aluminio, agregar mantequilla, sal cimentar, cerrar el papel y poner a horno suave hasta que este (20 minutos).
    unir los dos salmones pasarlos por el procesador de alimentos. Meter en la nevera.
    Agregar a esta masa, sal pimienta el jugo del ½ limón y mantequilla suavizada unir muy bien y llevar a la nevera para que enfrié.
    Cuando este fría introducir en la manga y colocar sobre los panes tostado artísticamente. decorar.

    3.- Canapes de Queso

    250 grms de queso crema. pasar por el tamiz
    260 grms de queso azul. pasar por el tamiz
    pimienta blanca
    redondeles de pan ligeramente tostados

    Unir bien los quesos, y llevar a la nevera.
    Se agrega pimienta (no lleva sal porque los quesos son salados). Llevar nuevamente a la nevera.
    al estar lista poner en la maga y poner en los panes en forma decorativa, decorar.

    4.- Canapes de Hígados

    150 grms de hígados de pollo
    200 gr. mantequilla suavizada
    sal pimienta
    redondeles de panes tostados

    Limpiar muy bien los hígados, sofreír tocineta, retirar la tocineta y freir los higados en el aceite sin que se tuesten pero que estén bien cocidos, poner en un colocar para que escurran bien los jugos. Pasar por el procesador. Meter en la nevera.
    Salpimienta y la mantequilla, llevar a la nevera para enfriar. Al estar Listo poner el la manga y colocar en los panes artísticamente, decorar.

    5.- Canapes steak tartar:

    400 gr. pulpa negra molida (2 veces)
    amarilla de huevo
    cebolla en brunoise
    anchoa en brunoise
    alcaparra en brunoise
    pimienta blanca
    salsa inglesa
    redondeles de pan tostado

    preparación :
    mezclamos todos los ingredientes, con un redondel metalico colocamos el steak tartar sobre el pan, retiramos el redondel metalico y decoramos los canapes. Opcional: podemos colocar tabasco, jugo de limón (pero no debe saber a limón)

    6.- Salmón Gravlax:
    Preparación del salmón según la clase anterior.

    Salsa de mostaza: mostaza, azúcar unimos con batidor manual. Montamos con aceite y terminamos con eneldo en hache.

    Se corta finamente. Se sirve en el plato y se coloca salsa de mostaza para acompañar (aparte).



    ½ taza aceite puré de castaña
    2 cdas de chile picado
    2 cebollas en juliana
    2 rodajas de piña enlatada en trozos
    3 cdas vinagre
    Base agridulce
    Camarones en tempura
    Jengibre en lonjas

    Se prepara una base de masa para tempura, pasar los camarones, freír y reservar.
    1) En un wok caliente con aceite poner la cebolla, jengibre, chile, vinagre, puré de castaña, base agridulce, diluir bien el puré de castaña.
    2) Agregar agua para que quede más líquido, diluir bien la salsa e incorporar los camarones tempura.
    3) Servir primero los vegetales y encima colocar los camarones y un poco de salsa.
    4) Se sirve en plato ovalado


    2 c. brown rice
    1 tsp. salt or to taste
    1 pot spoon cooking oil bi. Pepper
    1 clove garlic (crushed)
    4.c. boiling water
    1 med. carrot (grated on coarse side of grater)
    1 medium sweet pimento pepper (green)

    1. Heat oil in heavy bottomed pot.
    2. Add garlic, brown garlic and remove from oil.
    3. Add carrot, stirring all the time for 2 - 3 mins.
    4. Add sweet pepper, then rice. Toss 1 min.
    5. Add boiling water and salt.
    6. Cook until rice is tender and all the water is absorbed.
    7. A little butter is added if desired.


    CALLOS ANDALUZ O GALLEGO (Con panza con garbanzo)

    Ajo en brunoise
    Cebolla en brunoise
    Jamon serrano
    Chorizos cortos españoles rebanados gruesos
    Morcillas asturianas rebanadas gruesas
    Pata de res cocida en CUBOS.
    fondo de coccion de la pata de res
    garbanzo en latas.

    preparación de la pata de res: se lava, se blanquea una vez y cambiamos en agua, agregamos una cebolla y sal. Cocinar hasta que ablande.
    preparación de la panza: limpiar con un cepillo, picamos en tiras, blanqueamos 4 veces, con la ultima agua limpia se agrega una cebolla mechada y sal. Hervir hasta ablandar.
    en un caldero colocamos aceite de oliva, ajo, cebolla, jamon serrano, chorizo, morcilla, baturro (bastante), panza, carne de res, agua de la coccion de la res. Cocinar destapados, reducir
    tapamos y continuamos cocinando.
    agregamos los garbanzos en latas, mezclar y servir.

    Es la misma preparación que la anterior Con panza, pero sin garbanzo.



    1 lb Callaloo leaves
    1 Aubergine a/k/a eggplant, garden egg
    2 Green bananas
    1 Large onion
    2 Cloves garlic
    1½ pts Water
    4 Pimento berries
    3 Whole cloves
    1 Sprig thyme
    1 Hot pepper
    Freshly ground black pepper
    ½ lb Young okra
    ¼ pt Coconut milk
    1. Thoroughly wash the callaloo leaves and remove most of the stem.
    2. Drain and coaresly chop. Peel aubergine and chop into 2 cm dice.
    3. Keeping the skin on chop green bananas into thick slices.
    4. Put these vegetables with chopped onion and garlic in large pot.
    5. Add water, pimento, cloves, thyme, hot pepper fresh black pepper.
    6. Bring to the boil and simmer, covered until vegetables are tender.
    7. Take out slices of green bananas, remove skin and return to the pan.
    8. Remove the hot pepper which should still be whole and the thyme.
    9. Rub the soup through a sieve or liquidize briefly.
    10. Slice the okra into rounds.
    11. Return the soup to the pan, add the okra and coconut milk and cook for a further 10 minutes. Adjust the seasoning and serve
    Serves 4
    (Spinach can be substituted for callaloo. With a salad and wholemeal bread, this soup becomes a meal in itself.)


    Caldo con Cordero

    1 kg de pierna de cordero en trocitos
    1/2 l. agua
    3 puerros en laminas
    3 zanahorias troceadas
    2 cebollas en dados
    250 gramos de cebada perlada
    2 dientes de ajo machacados

    Cortar la carne en trozos quitando los huesos
    Poner en una cacerola grande, añadir el agua, las verduras y la cebada y hervir
    Reducir el fuego, tapar y dejar cocer durante una hora
    Durante la cocción quitar la espuma
    Añadir el ajo, la pimienta y el perejil picado
    Remover y volver a dejar cocer sin tapar otra hora


    Este plato se puede servir frío o caliente.


    1 cda de salsa de pescado
    1 diente de ajo grande y en brunoise
    4 berenjenas japonesas medianas
    3-5 cdas de aceite vegetal
    1 escalonia alargada (es como una cebolla)

    Los ingredientes de sazón varían según el tamaño de las berenjenas. Combinar la salsa de pescado y el ajo en un tazón.
    Calentar la plancha y colocar las berenjenas, hasta que tengan la piel negra, la carne suave.
    Cuando las berenjenas estén frescas para quitarles la piel, se sacan en tiras.
    Calentar el aceite muy bien, luego se colocan las escalonias cortadas en aros delgados, se quita rápido del fuego, se colocan con las berenjenas, luego la salsa de pescado.
    Se sacan cuando se marchita la cebolla, se sirve en un tazón solo.
    Aparte se coloca arroz blanco.



    Ají picante en brunoise
    Azúcar morena
    Carne en julienne
    Cebolla en julienne
    Célery en julienne
    Jengibre en brunoise
    Jojotos chinos
    Jugo de limón
    Maizina diluida en poca agua
    Pimentón en julienne
    Salsa de ostra
    Salsa de pescado
    Salsa de soya clara
    Salsa soya oscura
    Zanahoria en julienne

    Procedimiento Aderezar la carne con salsa de soya oscura, aceite de sésamo, salsa Tabasco, mezclar con la mano.
    En un bol con aceite caliente, añadir la carne poco a poco, mezclando con una cuchara grande.
    Agregar cebolla, zanahoria, ají, jengibre, pimentón, maiz tierno (baby), azúcar morena, salsa de pescado, salsa de ostra, célery, agua, jugo de limón (bastante), y cocinar.
    Agregar más salsa si es necesario, salsa Tabasco, cilantro, ají picante, y un toque de maicena diluida

    Opcional: se le pueden agregar semillas de ajonjolí tostado.
    Se decora con cebollin picado en slice diagonal y guindillas oriental o ají picante en rodajitas.


    La BOUILLABAISSE es una especialidad marsellesa y es un plato que realmente son dos: una sopa y un seco de pescado. La bouilleabaise de mariscos se llama Parisienne.

    En un caldero se pone aceite de oliva, ajo y cebolla brunoise, al dormirse se le agregan la zanahoria, ajororro e hinojo, 4 ramitas de tomillo, laurel y un poco de albahaca. Se deja sofreir todo sin que se ponga oscuro.
    Se agrega una lata de tomate pelado y un poco de tomate fresco picado en concasé y pimienta blanca molida abundante, se deja sudar bien.
    Se agrega luego el fumé (fondo de pescado), sal y un toque de glutamato.
    Se deja hervir un rato y se le agrega el pescado (Dorado) picado en trozos o ruedas.
    Se va reponiendo el agua que se evapora, hasta un litro de ser necesario. El pescado se cocina en unos diez minutos.

    El toque bouilleabaise: éste es una emulsión que se prepara aparte en una licuadora con ajo, aceite de oliva, Pastice (Ricard, licor de anís), y un poco de azafran. Esta emulsión una vez lista se le hecha a la sopa, dejandola cocinar un poco más, 5 o 10 minutos.

    Se sirve de primero un plato de sopa y de segundo el pescado acompañado de papas el vapor o pan.


    El termino borscht es cuando se prepara con carnes, costillas, etc, en este caso como se preparo con pato le corresponde llamarse ROMANOV. Es un potaje de origen ruso.


    1 repollo crespo grande, limpio y cortado en trozos (cuadros grandes)
    1 zanahoria
    1 tallo de celery en macedonia
    1 kg de papas cortadas en emance y despues en cuartos
    4 remolachas sancochadas cortadas en emance y despues en cuartos
    aceite vegetal
    cebolla en brunoise no muy pequeños
    pato de la clase anterior


    Deshuesamos el pato y reservamos la carne en un envase
    con el jugo del pato y los restos de huesos y desechos, realizamos un fondo de aves.
    calentamos aceite vegetal
    doramos la cebolla, concha de tocino (si es que tenemos a la mano, no es necesaria)
    incorporamos la zanahoria y el celery, las papas, repollo rizado, sal pimienta y el fondo de ave
    incorporamos una mitad del pato picados en trozos
    se cocina hasta que la papa y cebolla esten blandos
    rectificamos el sabor y agregamos la remolacha.
    Con la otra mitad del pato, tostamos la piel y cortamos en rodajas muy finas.
    Servimos en un envase y decoramos con las rodajas de pato.


    Boeuf stroganoff
    Russe Boeuf

    2 livres de filet de boeuf ou bifteck d'aloyau
    beurre de 1/ 4 tasses ou champignons
    coupés en tranches du bidon de la margarine 1 (6 onces.), vidangés
    2 bidons (10.5 onces. chacun) bouillon de boeuf condensé
    oignon haché de 1 /3 tasses
    ail haché de 1 /4
    cuillères à café du ketchup 1-1/2 de tasse
    farine de 1/ 3 tasses
    2 tasses de la crème aigre (sans matières grasses peut être employé)
    10 ounced les nouilles moyennes crues
    3 cuillers à soupe de beurre ou margarine
    Coupez la viande à travers le grain en tranches 3/4-inch, puis en bandes 3 x 1/4-inch. Fondez le beurre de 1/4 tasses dans le grand skillet. Faites cuire et remuez les champignons et l'ail en beurre environ 5 minutes ; enlevez les champignons.
    En la même viande de brun de skillet.

    La réservation de 2/3 tasses du bouillon, remuent en bouillon restant, oignon et ketchup. Couvrez et fermentez 15 minutes. Mélangez le bouillon réservé avec de la farine et remuez dans la viande. Ajoutez les champignons, la chaleur à l'ébullition, remuant constamment. Bouillez et remuez 1 minute. Remuez en crème aigre et chauffez à travers.

    Faites cuire les nouilles comme dirigées. Jet en l'air avec 3 cuillers à soupe de beurre. Versez la sauce au-dessus des nouilles et du service.


    1 paquete de kasha
    polvo de hornear
    harina todo uso

    Media taza de trigo de kasha, con un poco de agua, 2 huevos, sal, polvo de hornear y harina de trigo (no agregamos pimienta). Mezclamos formando una masa como las de las panquecas. Las realizamos en un salten con un poquito de aceite. Es del tamaño de una arepa pero delgada.

    Se puede comer con caviar, crema agria, salmon.


    375 g de crevettes cuites,
    court-bouillon bien relevé ou jus de clams en conserve (ou d'autres coquillages),
    20 cl de crème double,
    1/4 de c à café de paprika,
    1 cuillerée à soupe de maïzena (facultatif),
    poivre noir fraîchement moulu,
    4 à 6 cuillerées à soupe de xérès sec,
    1 c à soupe de persil haché,
    1 c à soupe de ciboulette finement hachée.
    Mettez 250 g de crevettes cuites et 1 verre de court-bouillon ou de jus de clams dans un bol mixeur, délayez la maïzena et ajoutez-la, battez pendant une minute.

    Mettez ce mélange au bain-marie.

    Ajoutez crème et paprika et assaisonnez, selon votre goût avec du sel et du poivre.

    Faites cuire au bain-marie en remuant de temps en temps jusqu'à ce que le potage commence tout juste à bouillir.

    Allongez, selon le goût, en ajoutant du court-bouillon.

    Ajoutez le xérès et servez immédiatement en coupes individuelles.

    Garnissez le dessus de la bisque avec des crevettes , de la ciboulette et du persil hachés.

    Si vos convives sont des amateurs de crème, remplacez la maïzena par un second verre de crème et faites chauffer sans aller jusqu'à ébullition, de crainte que la crème tourne.


    2 1/4 pounds, mealy potatoes, peeled
    About 1 3/4 cups flour (see note below)
    A pinch of salt

    In making gnocchi you should steam the potatoes rather than boil them. If you do not have a steamer, put the potatoes in a metal colander, set the colander in a spaghetti pot, fill the pot with water to just below the colander, and set the pot, covered, to boil. The potatoes will be done in 30-45 minutes, when a skewer penetrates but they are still firm. Peel them and mash them while they’re still hot (a potato ricer works very well here). Season the potatoes with a pinch of salt and slowly knead in enough flour to obtain a fairly firm, smooth, non-sticky dough -- exactly how much flour will depend upon how moist the potatoes are.

    Roll the dough out into snakes about as thick as your finger, cut the snakes into one-inch pieces, and gently score the pieces crosswise with a fork. As an alternative to scoring with a fork, Bugialli suggests you gently press them against the inside of a curved cheese grater, to obtain a curved shape with a depression on one side. The choice is up to you.



    ¼ litro de agua
    1 kilo de azúcar
    1 litro de vinagre
    colorante carmencita
    lechoza bien verde
    mango bien verde


    Cortar en julienne el pepino, el mango, la lechosa y la piña.
    Colocar en una olla el azúcar, vinagre, agua, mango, lechoza, piña y pepino.
    Cocinar a fuego medio, removiendo eventualmente, hasta que cristalicen las frutas.
    Para agregar color colocar carmencita, la cantidad queda a criterio del cocinero.
    Diluir la maizina en agua y agregar para espesar.
    Agregar más agua y vinagre si es necesario.
    Agregar salsa de tomate para color más rojo.


    Tiene los mismos ingredientes y procedimientos que el nassi goreng, solo que cambiamos el arroz por tallarines cocidos, (tallarines al huevo. Podemos agregar jengibre rosado a la preparación.

    Cordero en salsa
    Cordero picado en trozos
    Papas picadas a groso modo
    Ajo porro picado a groso modo
    Celery picado a groso modo
    Sal, pimienta

    picar en cuadros el cordero y blanquear la carne, es decir colocamos el agua a lo que rompe a hervir se cambia el agua.
    colocamos otra vez en agua, y calentamos tapado, cuando rompe a hervir nuevamente agregamos papa, celery, ajoporro, sal, pimienta, hoja de laurel y tapar.
    dejar cocer hasta que todo este a punto, retirar las carne
    pasar por pasapure el resto de la mezcla
    poner al fuego a espesar que quede cremoso creando una salsa
    agregar el cordero, rectificamos el sabor, dejar hervir cuando rompa el hervor retirar del fuego y servir.
    en clase, por razones de tiempo se le agrego pure de papa instantaneo para espesar rapidamente.


    2 tallos de celery en batonet
    1 zanahoria en batonet
    aceite de oliva
    1 frasco de anchoas cortados finamente (casi como una pasta)
    1 lechuga romana
    200 gr de champiñones
    200 gr de tomates cherry
    1 pimenton en batonet
    1 pepino en batonet con piel y sin semilla

    En una olla mezclamos Aceite de oliva, bastante ajo, anchoas, mantequilla y pimienta, se cocina.
    Retiramos del fuego y agregamos crema de leche para que se ponga cremosa.
    Es una especie de fondue y se come con verduras crudas.
    Cuando se sirve, se mantiene caliente (a fuego muy lento) y si se corta se vuelve a revolver.
    Se sirve acompañado de: Pepino, Zanahoria, Pimenton, Celery, Tomate cherry
    Champiñones, ciboulette


    1litro de fondo de pollo, clarificado
    2 sobres gelatina sin sabor
    Después de clarificado el fondo y aun caliente disolver la gelatina en el jerez agregar al caldo, mover muy bien dejar enfriar. Usar sobre los platos a decorar o preparar cuando estos estén bien fríos enseguida debe de ir a la nevera. Si el aspic se pone muy gelatinoso se le agrega al mismo algo de fondo caliente y se disuelve.


    History of Asparagus

    Asparagus has been prized by epicures since Roman times!
    The name asparagus comes from the Greek language meaning "sprout" or "shoot" and is a member of the Lily family which also includes onions, leeks and garlic. Widely cultivated for its tender, succulent, edible shoots, asparagus cultivation began more than 2,000 years ago in the eastern Mediterranean region. Greeks and Romans prized asparagus for its unique flavor, texture and alleged medicinal qualities. They ate it fresh when in season and dried the vegetable for use in winter.

    One could say asparagus is an international food. With its high tolerance for salt and its preference for sandy soils, wild asparagus grows in such diverse places as England, central Wisconsin, Russia, and Poland. Asparagus is depicted in ancient Egyptian writings. Asparagus has also been grown in Syria and Spain since ancient times. In the 16th Century, asparagus gained popularity in France and England. From there, the early colonists brought it to America. Asparagus is often called the "Food of Kings." King Louis XIV of France was so fond of this delicacy that he ordered special greenhouses built so he could enjoy asparagus all year-round!

    Asparagus is very versatile. In China, asparagus spears are candied and served as special treats. It is widely popular today as a scrumptious, fresh, and healthy vegetable. People throughout Europe, Asia and North America use fresh asparagus in their favorite cuisine

    Asparagus and Crab Salad
    This salad makes a delicious main course for lunch or dinner.

    Makes 4 to 6 servings



    2 tablespoons olive oil
    2 tablespoons rice vinegar
    2 tablespoons sugar
    1 tablespoon orange juice concentrate
    1 tablespoon lime juice
    1 tablespoon dark sesame oil


    2 cups cut-up fresh or frozen Michigan asparagus
    12 ounces crab meat (fresh or canned) or imitation crab
    1 (10-ounce) bag lettuce mix
    1 cup 1/2-inch pieces cantaloupe
    1 cup sliced seedless cucumber


    For Dressing:

    Combine all ingredients; mix well. Set aside.

    For Salad:
    Steam or microwave asparagus until tender-crisp. Drain and let cool. Cut crab into bite-size pieces. Combine asparagus and crab in large bowl, add lettuce mix, cantaloupe and cucumber. Toss gently. Pour salad dressing over all. Toss to evenly coat. Serve immediately.

    Note: Substitute 1 1/2 cups cubed, cooked chicken for the crab, if desired.

    Some Asparagus Facts:
    Asparagus is a member of the Lily family.
    Asparagus spears grow from a crown that is planted about a foot deep in sandy soils.
    Under ideal conditions, an asparagus spear can grow 10" in a 24-hour period.
    Each crown will send spears up for about 6-7 weeks during the spring and early summer.
    The outdoor temperature determines how much time will be between each picking...early in the season, there may be 4-5 days between pickings and as the days and nights get warmer, a particular field may have to be picked every 24 hours.
    After harvesting is done the spears grow into ferns, which produce red berries and the food and nutrients necessary for a healthy and productive crop the next season.
    An asparagus planting is usually not harvested for the first 3 years after the crowns are planted allowing the crown to develop a strong fibrous root system.
    A well cared for asparagus planting will generally produce for about 15 years without being replanted.
    The larger the diameter, the better the quality!
    Asparagus is a nutrient-dense food which is high in Folic Acid and is a good source of potassium, fiber, vitamin B6, vitamins A and C, and thiamin.
    Asparagus has No Fat, contains No Cholesterol and is low in Sodium.


    Este arroz se cocina con mucha menos agua que los otros tipos de arroz (con menos de la mitad), no se usa wok, porque es un arroz.

    ½ taza de merey sin sal tostadas.
    1 cda de mantequilla o ghee.
    1 cebolla cortada en brunoise.
    1 Cta. de semillas de cilantro molido.
    1 Cta. de semillas de comino molido.
    1 taza de arroz tipo basmati o de grano largo lavado.
    2 cdas. de Aceite Vegetal.
    2 dientes de ajo machacados.
    2Zanahorias medianas cortadas en julienne.
    3 ¼ taza de fondo de vegetales.
    3 tomates, pelados desemillados y cortados en trozos
    300 gramos de hojas de espinacas pequeñas lavadas.
    Sal y pimienta blanca.

    En un caldero colocar el aceite y la mantequilla clarificada y marchitar la cebolla, luego agregar los tomates y cocinar por 3 minutos.
    1)Escurrir el arroz y colocarlo en el caldero y cocinar por 2 minutos hasta que el tomate y la cebolla cubra el arroz.
    2)Colocar el polvo de cilantro, comino, sazone con sal y pimienta blanca, colocar la zanahoria, ajo, el fondo (la proporción es dos tazas de arroz, dos tazas de fondo) dejar hervir y luego tapar el caldero sobre fuego moderado y cocinar 20 minutos aproximadamente hasta que el arroz este suave.
    3)Después de listo colocar las hojas de espinaca encima del arroz y cocinar por 1 minuto para marchitar la espinaca, Al servir colocar el merey tostado, mezclar y servir.


    2 Kilos de filetes de sardina previamente saladas
    6 cebollas moradas cortadas en ruedas finas
    1 zanahoria picada en ruedas finas
    pimienta negra en granos
    mostaza en grano
    1litro de vinagre, la misma cantidad de agua
    una ramitas de eneldo
    En un caldero poner 1 litro de vinagre y otro de agua, cebolla morada cortada en ruedas finas, zanahoria cortada en ruedas finas, 10 granos de pimienta negra, 3 o 4 hojas de laurel, 2 puños de azúcar, 1 puño de mostaza en granos dejar hervir hasta que rompa hervor, retirar y dejar enfriar.
    Las sardinas en filetes deben de haberse puesto en sal desde el día anterior, retirar la piel ( este procedimiento se hace retirando la piel desde la zona de la cabeza hacia la cola).
    Poner la sardinas en un recipiente cubrir con la marinada dejar por varios días en frascos.
    Las sardinas se salaran de la siguiente forma, poner una capa de filetes echar sal, otra capa de sardinas sal y así hasta terminar con sal.


    Se parte de un pan de sandwich sin cascara, el cual se pica todo en cuadritos como si se fueran a hacer crutons para cesar.
    Aparte se preparó una panaché (mitad tocino y mitad cebolla picados en brunoise, cocinando primero el tocino y al rato agregando la cebolla)
    Al pan se le agregó unos 800 cc de leche caliente y tres huevos completos, un poco de perejil picado en hachís gregando a todo el conjunto la panaché.
    Se mexcla todo solo un poco (para no destrozar todo el pan) y se deja reposar unos 10 minutos para que se impregne bien.
    Se le agrega n poco de sal y pan rallado hasta que e sienta la mezcla moldeable.
    Se toma un trozo largo como 80 cm. del etamin (la tela similar a gasa), se extiende a lo largo. Se toma la mezcla y se coloca en el etamin, y se comienza a enrollar la tela haciendo como un salchichón, se anuda por ambos extremos.
    Se pone a cocinar en una olla con mucha agua y se deja cocinar hasta que se sienta bien firme (por lo menos una hora).
    Una vez listo se le quita la tela y se puede cortar en ruedas similares a las hamburguesas, para acompañamiento.
    Estas ruedas se pueden usar al día siguiente sofritas en mantequilla (Chucrut garmin) ideales para acompañar unos huevos fritos en el desayuno.

    Thursday, August 7, 2008


    Curry is the English description of any of a general variety of spicy dishes, best-known in Indian, Pakistani, Afghani, Bangladeshi, Sri Lankan, Nepali, Indonesian, Malaysian, Thai, and other South Asian and Southeast Asian cuisines, though curry has been adopted into all of the mainstream cuisines of the Asia-Pacific region. Along with tea, curry is one of the few dishes or drinks that is truly "Pan-Asian", but specifically, its roots come from India. The concept of curry was later brought to the West by British colonialists in India from the 18th century.


    The term curry (கறி - in Tamil means meat) It is understood that the British mistook the term, as the Tamil people call Kari Columbu which means meat gravy as being curry, derived from the usage of "Kari" in the Tamil language and other South Indian Dravidian languages, to connote some of the stew/gravy-like dishes eaten with rice. The Tamil word "Curryup", meaning crisp or quickly fried is a strong possibility of the origin of the word "Curry". Other Asian sauces such as "Ketchup" (the etymological origin of the word is likely Asian despite the western conventions of this sauce) use the "Up" or "ap" at the end of the word, denoting a sauce.

    In addition, curry leaves - Murraya koenigii; syn. Bergera koenigii, Chalcas koenigii, known as 'Karuvapillai' (literal translation Karu - black; ve(a)pillai - neem leaf, which means that it is a black neem leaf, tasting slightly bitter) in the Tamil, karibevu in the Kannada, and kariveppila in Malyalam literally means black/dark leaf, and is used in various kinds of dishes common in South India.

    Another theory is that the root word for curry is "Kadhi", which derives from the term "Kadhna" meaning "to simmer" or "Karahi" denoting the cooking vessel used in Indian kitchens.

    Curries around the world

    The term is now used more broadly, especially in the Western world, to refer to almost any spiced, sauce-based dishes cooked in various south and southeast Asian styles. Though each curry has a specific name, generically any wet side dish made out of vegetables and/or meat is historically referred to as a 'curry' - especially those yellow, Indian-inspired powders and sauces with high proportions of turmeric. The dishes are given specific names that indicate the meat and/or vegetable, method of cooking, or the particular spices used.

    Not all curries are made from curry powder; in India the word 'curry' is heavily used in the southern part of India in languages such as Tamil, which is analogous to "sabji" in the north. The spice mixes are known as "masala". Curry powder and Garam masala are both masalas. Most dishes involving lentils or dried beans are called dal in the north, or are referred to by a name specific to the spices used in the preparation. There is a particular north Indian and Pakistani dish, which is given the name kadi and uses yoghurt, ghee, and besan. In Northern India and Pakistan, the word "curry" usually means "gravy", likely because it sounds similar to the word "tari" (which means "gravy" in many North Indian and Pakistani languages and comes from root Tur which means 'wet' in Urdu and Persian). Bengali dishes called "Torkari" or vegetables stewed/dry in gravy is another potential source for the anglicized "curry" since the British occupation of India started in Bengal before Madras.

    Indian cuisines

    Rice and Chicken curry, also known as Chicken Chilli, from Delhi, India.

    Rice and Chicken curry, also known as Chicken Chilli, from Delhi, India.
    Main article: Indian cuisine
    Further information: South Asian cuisine

    Bengali cuisine

    Main article: Bengali cuisine
    See also: Cuisine of Bangladesh

    Bengali cuisine includes a plethora of curries that are little known to the outside world. They are known for their extreme spiciness. Authentic Bengali recipes are difficult to find outside Bengali kitchens, although certain dishes are popular, for example, the jhalfrezis and the prawn malai curry. Seafood and fresh fish are a great favourite with Bengalis, and a dazzling array of curries has been devised to accompany them. Mustard seeds and mustard oil are added to many recipes, so are poppy seeds, and these are flavours highly specific to the Bengali curries.

    North Indian cuisines

    Main article: North Indian cuisine
    Punjabi cuisine
    Main article: Punjabi cuisine

    Punjabi cuisine is mainly based upon Wheat, masalas (spice blends), pure desi ghee, with liberal amounts of butter and cream. There are certain dishes that are exclusive to Punjab, such as Maha Di Dal and Saron Da Saag (Sarson Ka Saag). Sandeep Bhateja, the world famous curry chef from Agra, India, is renowned for incorporating various roots into exotic curry dishes.

    West Indian cuisines

    Main article: West Indian cuisine
    Gujarati cuisine
    Main article: Gujarati cuisine

    The typical Gujarati cuisine is called Thali which consists of Rotli (a flat bread made from wheat flour), daal or kadhi, rice, and sabzi/shaak (a dish made up of different combinations of vegetables and spices, which may be stir fried, spicy or sweet). Cuisine varies in taste and heat, depending on a given family's tastes.

    South Indian cuisines

    Main article: South Indian cuisine
    Andhra or Telugu cuisine
    Main article: Andhra cuisine

    Andhra Pradesh, one of the four states of south India, has its own cuisine. The main dish of Andhra/Telugu cuisine is called "Koora" in Telugu, taken with hot rice and ghee. It could be made of vegetable, combination of vegetables or meat and vegetable. It could be wet (koora, pulusu or gojju) or dry (vaepudu). There are numerous types of recipes with various combinations of spices and in various proportions.

    The second course is any liquid/soup type taken with rice and ghee. It could be made with just vegetables, “rasam”/”chaaru” or vegetable and dal, called pappu and sambar or butter milk and vegetable, called “majjiga pulusu” and many more.

    The last course is rice with either curd or buttermilk. It is believed that this soothes the effect of spices and helps digestion.

    Additions to the main course are appadam and pickles. Appadam, more commonly known as Poppadam in the west, is taken along with any wet curry, pickle and liquid. Pickle plays a vital role in the Andhra cuisine. It is directly eaten with rice or dal or curd.

    There are again regional variations in Andhra Pradesh cuisine. Telangana, which is in the west of Andhra Pradesh, has dishes like Ambali, jonna rotte (Jowar Bread), Sajja Rotte (bread from sajja grains), and biryani (which is mainly influenced by Islamic culture), which are taken as substitutes to the usual three course meal.

    Apart from the rice menu, there are certain dishes that are popular in all regions of Andhra pradesh such as biryani, upma, uppudi pindi, idli, vada, dosa & sambar, minapa attlu, etc. They are addressed as tiffins and are taken for breakfast or snack or supper or light lunch. The tiffins like puri, chole batore, chapathi and paratha have migrated down south from the Northern states.

    Karnataka cuisine
    Main article: Cuisine of Karnataka

    The curries of Karnataka typically have a lot more dal compared to curries of other parts of India. Some typical soup dishes include Saaru, Gojju, Thovve, Huli, Majjige Huli; which is similar to the "kadi" made in the north, Sagu or Kootu, which is eaten mixed with hot rice.

    Malayali cuisine
    Main article: Cuisine of Kerala

    Malayali curries of Kerala typically contain shredded coconut paste or coconut milk, curry leaves, and various spices. Mustard seeds are used in almost every dish, along with onions, curry leaves, sliced red chillies fried in hot oil. Most of the non-vegetarian dishes are heavily spiced. Kerala is known for its traditional Sadya, a vegetarian meal served with boiled rice and a host of side-dishes, such as Parippu (Green gram), Papadum, some ghee, Sambar, Rasam, Aviyal, Kaalan, Kichadi, pachadi, Injipuli, Koottukari, pickles (mango, lime), Thoran, one to four types of Payasam, Boli, Olan, Pulissery, moru (buttermilk), Upperi, Banana chips, etc. The sadya is customarily served on a banana leaf.

    Tamil cuisine
    Main article: Tamil cuisine

    Tamil cuisine's distinctive flavor and aroma is achieved by a blend and combination of spices, including curry leaves, tamarind, coriander, ginger, garlic, chili, pepper, cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, cumin, fennel or anise seeds, fenugreek seeds, nutmeg, coconut, turmeric root or powder, and rosewater. Lentils, vegetables and dairy products are essential accompaniments, and are often served with rice. Traditionally, vegetarian foods dominate the menu with a range of non-vegetarian dishes, including freshwater fish and seafood, cooked with traditional Tamil spices and seasoning. This holds good for all the four South Indian states.

    Other Indian cuisines

    Main article: Indian cuisine

    In other varieties of Indian cuisine, kadhi is a gravy - made by stirring yoghurt into a roux of ghee and besan. The spices added vary, but usually include turmeric and black mustard seed. It is often eaten with rice.

    Other South Asian cuisines

    Main article: South Asian cuisine

    Bangladeshi cuisine

    Main article: Cuisine of Bangladesh
    Further information: Bengali cuisine

    Bangladeshi cuisine has considerable regional variations. These include lots of Bengals cuisine but are known more for their original spicyness compared to Indian Bengali Cuisine. The heavy use of coconut milk is refined to the district of Khulna and Kommilla. A staple across the country is rice and fish. As a large percentage of the land in Bangladesh (over 80% on some occasions) can be under water, fish is the major source of protein in the Bangladeshi diet. The widely popular British curry dish chicken tikka masala was likely produced by Sylheti chefs.

    Pakistani cuisine

    Main article: Cuisine of Pakistan
    Further information: Punjabi cuisine, Sindhi cuisine, and Afghan cuisine

    A favourite Pakistani curry is Karahi, either mutton or chicken cooked in a dry sauce. Lahori Karahi incorporates garlic, spices and vinegar. Peshawari karahi is a simple dish made with just meat, salt, tomatoes and coriander.

    Sri Lankan cuisine

    Main article: Cuisine of Sri Lanka
    Further information: Tamil cuisine

    Sri Lankan cuisine mostly consists of rice and curry meals, and revolves heavily around chillies, spices, vegetables, and seafood.

    British cuisine

    Main article: Anglo-Indian cuisine

    In British cuisine, the word curry was primarily used to denote a sauce-based dish flavoured with curry powder or a paste made from the powder and oils. However, the resurgence of interest in food preparation in the UK in recent years has led to much more use of fresh spices such as ginger and garlic, and preparation of an initial masala from freshly ground dried spices, though pastes and powders are still frequently used for convenience.

    The first curry recipe in Britain appeared in The Art of Cookery made Plain and Easy by Hannah Glasse in 1747.The first edition of her book used only pepper and coriander seeds for seasoning of 'currey'. By the fourth edition of the book other relatively common ingredients of turmeric and ginger were used. The use of hot spices was not mentioned, which reflected the limited use of chilli in India — chilli plants had only been introduced into India around the late 15th century and at that time were only popular in southern India. Many curry recipes are contained in 19th century cookbooks such as those of Charles Elme Francatelli and Mrs Beeton. In Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management, a recipe for curry powder is given that contains coriander, turmeric, cinnamon, cayenne, mustard, ginger, allspice and fenugreek; although she notes that it is more economical to purchase the powder at 'any respectable shop'.[4] One 19th century attempt at curry resulted in the invention of Worcestershire sauce.

    The popularity of curry among the general public was enhanced by the invention of 'Coronation chicken' to commemorate the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II in 1953. Curry sauce (or curry gravy) is a British use of curry as a condiment, usually served warm with traditional British fast food dishes such as chips. Curry sauce occasionally would include sultanas.

    The popularity of curry in the UK encouraged the growth of Indian restaurants. Until the early 1970s more than three quarters of Indian restaurants in Britain were identified as being owned and run by people of Bengali origin. Most were run by migrants from East Pakistan, which became Bangladesh in 1971. Bangladeshi restaurateurs overwhelmingly come from the northern district of Sylhet. Until 1998, as many as 85% of curry restaurants in the UK were Bangladeshi restaurants[5] but in 2003 this figure declined to just over 65%.[6] Currently the dominance of Bangladeshi restaurants is generally declining in some parts of London and the further north one travels. In Glasgow there are more restaurants of Punjabi origin than any other.[7]

    Regardless of the ethnic origin of a restaurant's ownership, the menu will often be influenced by the wider Indian subcontinent (sometimes including Nepalese dishes), and sometimes cuisines from further afield (such as Persian dishes). Some British variations on Indian food are now being exported from the UK to India.[citation needed] British-style curry restaurants are also popular in Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

    In a relatively short space of time curry has become an integral part of British cuisine, so much so that, since the late 1990s, Chicken Tikka Masala has been commonly referred to as the "British national dish".[8] It is now available (albeit in frozen, microwavable form) on Intercity rail trains, as a flavour for crisps, and even as a pizza topping.

    The British Curry House

    Curry is eaten in almost all part of the Indian Sub-Continent and outside, namely India Bangladesh and Pakistan, it has its varying degrees of style, taste and aroma, depending on local ingredients used. Bengalis of Sylheti origin makeup only 10% of all South Asians in Britain however around 65% of all Indian restaurants in the UK and Northern Ireland are Sylheti/Bengali owned[citation needed] displaying the preference British and western customers have for food of that region.[citation needed]

    Bengalis in the UK settled in big cities with industrial employment. In London Bengalis settled in the East End. For centuries the East End has been the first port of call for many immigrants working in the docks and shipping from east Bengal. Their regular stopover paved the way for food/curry outlets to be opened up catering for an all male workforce as family migration and settlement took place some decades later.

    Restaurants that are regarded as curry houses are open to the same standards requirements as all restaurants and can be vetted by and reported to the local environmental health department of an area. There are now many up-market "Indian Restaurants", which, while they still tend to eschew the more authentic cuisines, nonetheless apply the same high standards of food preparation.

    This cuisine is characterized by the use of a common base for all the sauces to which spices are added when individual dishes are prepared. The standard "feedstock" is usually a sautéed mixture of onion, tomato, garlic and fresh ginger, to which various spices are added, depending on the recipe, but which may include: cloves, cinnamon, cardamom, chillies, peppercorns, cumin and mustard seeds[citation needed]. Ground coriander seed is widely used as a thickening agent, and turmeric is added for colour and its digestive qualities.

    Better-quality restaurants will normally make up new sauces on a daily basis, using fresh ingredients wherever possible and grinding their own spices. More modest establishments are more likely to resort to frozen or dried ingredients and pre-packaged spice mixtures.

    Although the names may be similar to traditional dishes, the recipes generally are not.

    • Korma/Kurma - mild, yellow in colour, with almond and coconut powder
    • Curry - medium, brown, gravy-like sauce
    • Biryani - Spiced rice and meat cooked together and usually served with vegetable curry sauce.
    • Dupiaza/Dopiaza - medium curry the word means "double onion" referring to the boiled and fried onions used as its primary ingredient.
    • Pasanda - a mild curry sauce made with cream, coconut milk, and almonds.
    • Roghan Josh (from "Roghan" (fat) and "Josh" (energy/heat - which as in English may refer to either 'spiciness' or temperature)) - medium, with tomatoes and paprika
    • Bhuna - medium, thick sauce, some vegetables
    • Dhansak - medium/hot, sweet and sour sauce with lentils (originally a Parsi dish). This dish often also contains pineapple.
    • Madras - fairly hot curry, red in colour and with heavy use of chili powder
    • Pathia - hot, generally similar to a Madras with lemon juice and tomato purée
    • Jalfrezi - onion, green chili and a thick sauce
    • Samber - medium heat, sour curry made with lentils and lemons
    • Vindaloo - this is generally regarded as the classic "hot" restaurant curry, although a true Vindaloo does not specify any particular level of spiciness. The name has European origins, derived from the Portuguese term "vinha d'alhos", a marinade containing wine ("vinho"), or sometimes vinegar, and garlic ("alho"), used to prevent the pork from going off in the heat. Some recipes include potato, under the delusion that the word "Vindaloo" has something to do with potatoes ("aloo", in Hindi). There is a hotter version often known as Tindaloo.
    • Phall - extremely hot dish using ground chillies, ginger and fennel.
    • Afghan - with chickpeas.

    The tandoor was introduced into Britain in the 1960s and tandoori and tikka chicken became popular dishes; Chicken Tikka Masala was said to have been invented in Glasgow by a bengali chef, when a customer demanded a sauce with a 'too dry' tikka (legend has it that the cook then heated up a tin of Campbell's condensed tomato soup and added some spices)

    Other dishes may be featured with varying strengths, with those of north Indian origin, such as Butter Chicken, tending to be mild, and recipes from the south of India tending to be hotter.

    Balti curries

    Main article: Balti (food)

    A style of curry thought to have been developed in Birmingham, England[9] which has spread to other western countries.

    South East Asian cuisines

    Indonesian cuisine

    Main article: Cuisine of Indonesia

    In Indonesian, gulai and kari or kare is based on curry. They are often highly localised and reflect the meat and vegetables available. They can therefore employ a variety of meats (chicken, beef, water buffalo and goat as in the flavoursome 'gulai kambing'), seafood (prawn, crab, mussel, clam, squid etc), fish or vegetable dishes in a spiced sauce. They use local ingredients such as chilli peppers, Kaffir lime leaves, lemon grass, Galangal, Indonesian bay leaves or salam leaves, candlenuts, turmeric, shrimp paste (terasi), cumin, coriander seed and coconut milk. One popular curry is rendang from West Sumatran cuisine, not Malaysia as is claimed in many British restaurants. Authentic rendang uses water buffalo slow-cooked in thick coconut milk over a number of hours to tenderise and flavour the meat. In Aceh, curries use daun salam koja or daun kari (translated as 'curry leaves'). Opor Ayam is another kind of curry.

    Malaysian cuisine

    Main article: Cuisine of Malaysia

    Being at the crossroad of the ancient trade routes has left a unique mark on the Malaysian cuisine. Practically everything on the Asian menu can be found here, and the local fare is also a reflection of its multi-cultural, multi-ethnic heritage. While the curry may have initially found its way to Malaysian shores via the Indian population, it has since become a staple among the Malays and Chinese too. Malaysian curries differ from state to state, even within similar ethnic groupings as they are influenced by the many factors, be it cultural, religious, agricultural or economical.

    Malaysian curries typically use curry powders rich in turmeric, coconut milk, shallots, ginger, belacan (shrimp paste), chilis, and garlic. Tamarind is also often used. Rendang is another form of curry consumed in Malaysia, although it is drier and contains mostly meat and more coconut milk than a conventional Malaysian curry. Rendang is originated from Indonesia but became very popular among Malays in Malaysia and Singapore. All sorts of things are curried in Malaysia, including goat, chicken, shrimp, cuttlefish, fish, fish head, aubergine, eggs, and mixed vegetables. So rich and different are the flavours that today Malaysian-themed restaurants are mushrooming globally from Canada to Australia, and Malaysian curry powders too are now much sought-after internationally.

    Thai cuisine

    Main article: Cuisine of Thailand

    In Thai cuisine, curries are meat, fish or vegetable dishes in a spiced sauce. They use local ingredients such as chili peppers, Kaffir lime leaves, lemon grass, Galangal and coconut milk, and tend to be more aromatic than Indian curries as a result. Curries are often described by colour; red curries use red chilis while green curries use green chilis. Yellow curries are more similar to Indian curries, with their use of turmeric and cumin. Yellow curries in Thailand usually don't contain potatoes except in southern style cooking, however, Thai restaurants abroad usually have them. Yellow curry is also called gaeng curry (by various spellings), of which a word-for-word translation would be "soup curry" or "curry curry", though the former translation is technically more correct.

    Other Southeast Asian cuisines

    East Asian cuisines

    Chinese cuisine

    Main article: Chinese Cuisine

    Chinese curries (咖哩, gā lǐ) typically consist of green peppers, chicken, beef, fish, lamb, or other meats, onions, large chunks of potatoes, and a variety of other ingredients and spices in a mildly spicy yellow curry sauce, and topped over steamed rice. White pepper, soy sauce, hot sauce, and/or hot chili oil may be applied to the sauce to enhance the flavour of the curry.

    The most common Chinese variety of curry sauce is usually sold in the powder form. It seem to have descended from a Singaporean and Malaysian variety, countries which also introduced the Satay sauce to the Chinese. The ethnic Cantonese being most dominant in Kuala Lumpur and Singapore, this yellow, Chinese-Malaysian variety was naturally introduced to China by the Cantonese, and features typically in the Hong Kong cuisine. (Interestingly, the Malay Satay seems to have been introduced to China with wider success by the ethnic Teochew, which are not dominant in the Nusantara, but in Thailand.)

    Chinese curry is popular in North America, and there are many different varieties of Chinese curry, depending on each restaurant. Unlike other Asian curries, which usually have a thicker consistency, Chinese curry is often watery in nature. 'Galimian,' or 'curry noodles,' are also a popular Chinese curry dish.

    Japanese cuisine

    Main article: Japanese curry

    Japanese curry (カレー karē?) is one of the most popular dishes in Japan, where people eat it 62 times a year according to a survey.[10] It is usually thicker, sweeter, and not as hot as its Subcontinental equivalent. It is usually eaten as karē raisu — curry, rice and often pickled vegetables, served on the same plate and eaten with a spoon, a common lunchtime canteen dish.

    Curry was introduced to Japan by the British in the Meiji era (1869–1913) after Japan ended its policy of national self-isolation (Sakoku), and curry in Japan is categorized as a Western dish. Its spread across the country is commonly attributed to its use in the Japanese Army and Navy which adopted it extensively as convenient field and naval canteen cooking, allowing even conscripts from the remotest countryside to experience the dish. The Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force still traditionally have curry every Friday for lunch and many ships have their own unique recipes.

    The standard Japanese curry contains onions, carrots, potatoes and a meat. Sometimes grated apples or honey are added for additional sweetness and other vegetables are sometimes used instead. For the meat, pork, beef and chicken are the most popular, in order of decreasing popularity. In northern and eastern Japan including Tokyo, pork is the most popular meat for curry. Beef is more common in western Japan, including Osaka, and in Okinawa chicken is favored.

    Sometimes the curry-rice is topped with breaded pork cutlet (tonkatsu); this is called Katsu-karē ("cutlet curry"). Korokke (potato croquettes) are also a common topping.

    Apart from with rice, karē udon (thick noodles in curry flavoured soup) and karē-pan ("curry bread" — deep fried battered bread with curry in the middle) are also popular.


    Other countries have their own varieties of curry, well known examples include:

    Curry powder is used as an incidental ingredient in other cuisines, including for example a "curry sauce" (sauce au curry, sometimes even au cari) variation of the classic French béchamel.

    In Iranian cuisine, a ground spice mixture called advieh is used in many stews and rice dishes. It is similar to some curries. Ingredients in the mix vary, but may include cinnamon, cardamom, cumin, coriander, turmeric, black pepper, cloves, allspice, dried rose petals, and ground ginger. It is usually mellow and mild, not spicy hot.

    In the West Indies, curry is a very popular dish. The indentured servants that were brought over from India by different European powers, brought this dish, as well as their culture, to the West Indies. In Jamaica and Trinidad, curry goat is prominently featured. The sauces for other curries are usually thinner than a true Indian curry, but some exceptions can be made. Curry can be found at both non expensive and upscale Caribbean restaurants, and ingredients can range from Chicken or vegetables to shellfish such as shrimp and scallops.

    Cambodia, Vietnam i.e South East Asia also have their own versions of curry. Note that both Cambodia and Vietnam have had many influences from Indian cuisine/culture due to South Asian travellers centuries before, as well as the Champa Kingdom found in central Vietnam.

    Curry addiction

    A number of studies have claimed that the reaction of pain receptors to the hotter ingredients in curries, even Korma, leads to the body's release of endorphins and combined with the complex sensory reaction to the variety of spices and flavours, a natural high is achieved that causes subsequent cravings, often followed by a desire to move on to hotter curries. Some refer to this as addiction, but other researchers contest the use of the word "addiction" in this instance. Additionally, curry addiction is an example of a colloquial use of the word "addiction" as the medical definition of the word requires continued use despite harmful effects. Since medicine has not shown harmful effects of curry consumption, the use of the word "addiction" is contestable.

    Curry powder

    Main article: Curry powder

    Curry powder, also known as masala powder, is a spice mixture of widely varying composition developed by the British during the Raj as a means of approximating the taste of Indian cuisine at home. Masala refers to spices, and this is the name given to the thick and pasty sauce based on a combination of spices with ghee (clarified butter), butter, palm oil or coconut milk. Most commercial curry powders available in Britain, the U.S. and Canada, rely heavily on ground turmeric, in turn producing a very yellow sauce. Lesser ingredients in these Western yellow curry powders are often coriander, cumin, fenugreek, mustard, chili, black pepper and salt. It should be reiterated that curry powders and pastes produced and consumed in India are extremely diverse; some red, some yellow, some brown; some with five spices and some with as many as 20 or more. Besides the previously mentioned spices, other commonly found spices in different curry powders in India are allspice, white pepper, ground mustard, ground ginger, cinnamon, roasted cumin, cloves, nutmeg, mace, green cardamom seeds or black cardamom pods, bay leaves and coriander seeds.

    Drinks accompanying curry


    Lassi is a yoghurt based drink that is consumed with curry.

    Tea is often drunk with curry.


    • Lager is a popular accompaniment to curry, particularly in the United Kingdom, with popular brands being Kingfisher and Cobra
    • Wine is increasingly popular with curry, especially amongst those who seek something refreshing and alcoholic without the added gas of a lager. Wine for Spice[13] produced a range of refreshing wines developing on the cold-lager-with-curry concept. The Charmat method naturally second-fermented semi-sparkling wine is recommended lager-cold but, unlike a lager, the gas is natural. Mass-produced lager has carbon dioxide injected into it, which produces larger bubbles than a second fermentation.

    Wine for Spice's formula for Matching Wine with Curry is: naturally second-fermented semi-sparkling wine; lager-cold; good acidity; no tannin; no oak chips; moderate alcohol; sweetness of wine rising with chili heat.

    Health benefits

    Some studies have shown that ingredients in curry may help to prevent certain diseases, including colon cancer and Alzheimer's disease.[14][15]